2019 AGM Minutes
Burnham on Sea Woodturners club
Annual General Meeting
Held on the 29th May 2019 at the Methodist Church Hall, Burnham on Sea
Attendees: 21 of the 25 club members
Chairman – George Foweraker
GF welcomed the 21 members in attendance to the 2019 Annual General Meeting and thanked everyone for their support over the preceding year and in attending the regular monthly sessions and other club activities.
Club members were reminded who the relevant committee members are and the valuable role of the committee in ensuring the running of the club for all involved:
Chairman - George Foweraker
Secretary – Ray Blake
Treasurer – James Whitmore
Webmaster - David Langan
Thanks was also given to Shirley for her help in providing the refreshments during the monthly sessions.
GF reminded club members that if they wanted to become a committee member then they should please express their interest to him. At the 2018 AGM GF had announced that he wanted to take a break from being chairman of the club but, as no member had come forward to become a committee member, he had agreed to stay on as chairman, recognising that the current committee has taken much of the workload from him over the past year, leaving him to mainly organise the year’s demonstrator schedule. GF’s decision to stay as Chairman was warmly applauded by the members.
GF notified club members of a new policy, “Child Protection and Procedures Policy, Safeguarding” which is now in place relating to the club’s duty of care towards young and vulnerable participants and relates to any person under the age of 18 visiting the club. It is important that all club members review and understand the requirements of this policy which is available for view on the club website.
Treasurers Report
JW reported that the club has a healthy bank balance of £2040, including appropriate grants from the AWGB. Suggestions for improving the club’s demonstration facilities include …
Lighting above the lathe
More secure mounting of the lathe
Replacement chuck
Lathe bed extension - GF said that the could provide this on a need basis given prior notice
Replacement live centre - GF offered to donate a spare to the club
Secretary report
Participation at the Show and tell sessions on club night have been improving and is encouraging for new members to see work and discuss with the individuals. During the year a successful visit to the Axminster Tool Centre training and distribution centre was well attended and enjoyed as always. It is now 2 years since the successful club outing to the Black Country Museum although it was noted at the time that only 8 club members attended. Club members are invited to make suggestions for a similar event provided that there is sufficient support from club members.
Website review
DL commented that the number of visits to the website, both first time and repeat visits, had again reduced slightly over the last 12 mths for no known reason other than perhaps the reduction in club membership and the dropping of all-day demonstrations which previously would have attracted non-member website enquiries.
DL re-iterated last years comments that the “For Sale” page continued to be successful for sellers. If anyone wishes to add to the “For Sale” page please send a photo and description to DL, using the club email address on the Contacts page, and he will upload to the site. It would also be appreciated if club members could submit photos of their individual work for display on the website gallery as this could enrich the website and potentially encourage new members. Photos should be of good quality and again sent to DL using the club email address on the Contacts page. For those without photographic facilities GF offered to photograph any items at his workshop premises.
General Discussions
“Monthly Show and Tell” - it was agreed that judging and awarding the monthly bottle of wine for the best submission was not working. Various alternatives to encourage club members to display their turnings were discussed and it was agreed that a return to the “Monthly Project” idea was the best solution, starting at the June meeting. Submissions will not be judged but all submitted work will be photographed and displayed on a “Monthly Project Showcase” page on the website. Club members will still be encouraged to bring any recent turnings to monthly meetings for review and discussion.
Library - the club has on loan from GF many books on woodturning and woodwork in general. These are available to be borrowed by club members for a period of 1 month at a charge of £1/mth in support of club funds. John Hamilton Donovan kindly agreed to display the book collection at each monthly meeting and to manage the loan procedure.
2019 Events
Club members were asked for suggestions on future events for 2019/20.
GF suggested an Open Day at his wood store in Bridgewater where he has a large supply of seasoned and part-seasoned wood for sale - ash, oak, mulberry, cedar of Lebanon etc etc
GF also has recently restocked with tools and supplies, available to members at discount prices - next “Drop-in Workshop at George’s is 27th July.
Current events
Monthly meetings
GF regular open workshop events
Christmas meal
David Langan